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Pagan Online Free Download [key]


Updated: Mar 14, 2020

About This Game The Gods are gone – their demise has left the world in turmoil. Dark forces the likes of which have never been seen before are amassing to tear the souls from those too weak to resist and devour whoever is left.Fling spells and swing metal, rush enemies and crush bones, and in the end, pry their weapons from their cold, unworthy hands. Carve a path through your enemies in your quest for glory in Pagan Online.An epic setting based on Slavic mythology – the stuff of legendsSet in a striking realm rich with lore and history, Pagan Online is based off various Slavic myths and sagas. We’ve drawn from this seemingly endless fount to create a distinct flavour and a whole new world for fans of epic fantasy to immerse themselves in. Tales of larger than life heroes, endangered deities, and shattered sanctity await you in Pagan Online.It’s dangerous to go aloneWill you vanquish your foes lone wolf style, or team up with a friend to take on the biggest and baddest monsters? You can choose to play all levels alone or play game modes designed for more than one person. You can meet other players to fight alongside you in the Pantheon, a social hub for heroes approved by the Gods themselves.Crush without mercyAt its core, Pagan Online is a game of dynamic and fast-paced action. You will experience gameplay that is responsive, fast, and satisfying – and nothing’s more satisfying than crushing, slicing, and smashing your way through hordes of enemies in a brutal and mesmerizing display of quick thinking and skill. It is easy to pick up but difficult to master – a good thing to keep in mind after your 108th death. As you become more battle-hardened, your renown grows and doors open for you – both to greater power and greater foes. A class for every player, a hero for every tasteThese aren’t just your typical RPG classes! The playable characters in Pagan Online are inspired by old folks’ tales and stories our grandmothers used to tell us when we were kids. From nomad knights to beastly abominations, they are familiar and yet like nothing you’ve ever tried before. Every hero has their own abilities, playstyles, and their own weapons and attacks, so you could be forgiven for thinking you’re playing a different game when you take up arms as another hero. Carry out devastating combos with skills in your repertoire and do whatever it takes to come out on top – leech the blood of your downed foes to stay standing, summon the might of Perun himself in a thunderfist, or channel the elements to unleash raw destruction. Your hero, your styleIf you’re going to be looking at your hero constantly, you might as well look at something nice. A hero is a hero no matter what they wear of course, but you gotta admit, the deep red of a blood spatter would look so fetching on your green robes. You can pick from a wide variety of class-specific armor sets for each hero. Not only can you upgrade and customize heroes to your liking, but you can also use unique skins and shaders so the enemy commanders will know exactly who is coming to end them.Wield weapons of legendAction RPGs can’t work without loot. We all love it and your enemies love to drop it. Pagan Online takes it up a notch with a unique crafting system in which you can create a weapon tailor-made for you and how you prefer to play. Whether you’re dead set on squeezing that extra speed percentage for fast flaying, or if you want to be a Jack-of-all-trades with more balanced stats, crafting in Pagan Online redefines the term ‘legendary item’. 7aa9394dea Title: Pagan OnlineGenre: Action, RPG, Early AccessDeveloper:Mad Head GamesPublisher:Wargaming.netRelease Date: 17 Apr, 2019 Pagan Online Free Download [key] Right now, for the single player alone, the game feels worth it. Here is my synopsis: Here are some things I like: 1) The gameplay. This is kind of big, so it's going to be divided up:Characters. To summarize, I like the freedom of having a completely different playstyle available to me without all of the overhead of rerolling and\/or farming for the new build you typically see in other aRPGs. I also like the depth each character has individually. Here's some more details. In Pagan Online, you're choosing between characters instead of a "build." Each character has a core mechanic, and then a set of abilities. Often there's explicit and implicit synergies between those abilities. So instead of "picking" a build, you're "learning" a character. To make up for the fact that playing one character could turn very repetitive, It's very easy to swap between characters: your lower level characters can wear gear crafted or found by your higher level ones as gear requirements are based on ACCOUNT level instead of character level. So you can hit the ground running as soon as you unlock a new character (they still get stronger as they level up, but they're still very playable with high level gear) Also, you can freely swap between characters at the main hub without logging out. So if you get bored, you just swap between your favorites. The fact that your inventory is shared makes this even easier. There's also another advantage to playing multiple characters: every time a character levels up, it contributes experience towards your account level and your account level increases experience gained by all heroes, so you're literally losing nothing when you swap between characters because it makes leveling your "main" easier.Also, as long as you have the mats for crafting and\/or are collecting a few extra gear pieces, it's generally easy to gear up a new character: The only unique slot is the weapon slot. That doesn't mean that there aren't stats that are better for different characters. And most of the time you don't have an optimal build in the gear, but just being able to put really strong gear on a low level character off the bat makes it easy to switch between play styles.Skills. In most ARPGs, you choose a "build" from a set of skills and you tend to spam certain "core" skills while using other skills as the situation demands it. In contrast in Pagan Online, your skills are fixed depending on your character and all of them are on a cooldown except your main attack. Also, monsters tend to have stronger mechanics as you progress through the game. So you're not really "spamming" anywhere near the amount you would in a traditional aRPG. You're playing against mechanics and trying to use your skills in a smart way. Here's an example: My main, Istok has a shield and it's my primary source of damage mitigation. I may want to kite and use another ability to Slow my attackers to keep them away when when my shield is on cooldown to avoid taking damage instead of just spamming my slow ability for extra damage while my shield is in use\/off cooldown and spamming my auto attack after, depending on the monsters I'm fighting. Also, many characters have synergies between particular abilities, so you're balancing your character mechanics against cooldowns and the mechanics of the monsters you're fighting as well. Also, every character has a core mechanic that needs some learning. I find balancing my skills and class mechanics far more engaging than traditional aRPGs where I'm mostly spamming. The abilities themselves feel impactful enough that you don't feel underpowered despite the cooldowns. I understand though, that the bulk of people who like the aRPG genre are not used to this. I hope by explaining how the game works that they'll enjoy it more when they actually try it, instead of just canning it the moment it doesn't meet their expectations. I also hope that people who traditionally don't like aRPGs may notice that there's more to this game than they're used to and will be willing to try it out. It was really satisfying downing the boss that used to be Dagoba's champion: I had to time and land my skills really well to win. I died the first time i tried it because I was still learning my "main". That leads me into the next point:Difficulty. Most games nowadays are not actually "hard." Generally they start out easy and 90% of the time when things get "hard" it's due to a "hard" counter or "medium" counter that requires you to integrate something "gimmicky" into your build like a resistance skill, or just another skill the monster in question isn't immune to. This keeps the gameplay pretty "flat" as in it hasn't actually gotten harder and is outright frustrating if you didn't put the right mitigation to the counter in your build. In contrast in Pagan Online, I find myself playing against the mechanics that the monsters have. There are some monsters that are very punishing to be close to while they use their special ability, this means if I'm playing a melee character, I need to be very conscious of when they use that ability and which abilites I don't have on cooldown to counter. It may mean that I wait a bit before using a cooldown and I use a different ability instead. The mechanics seem well thought out and I've died enough that the game is challenging, but not so much that it feels tedious\/impossible. Format. Every mission is instanced. This makes pacing my gameplay easier so I don't end up spending too much time on it. While in a mission, as you move through it, you are periodically trapped in rooms or areas and then monsters spawn. This makes combat more difficult and interesting than a lot of aRPGs where you can run really far away to be "safe" and start over again, because in Pagan online, I'm forced to deal with the problems I'm facing now in the moment. Gear. There's definitely some random in the gear system. The nice part about it is you have some levers you can pull on the system. The most valuable pieces of gear come from crafting. Crafted gear has some guaranteed stats and some random. Once you craft something, you can "reroll" it during the process if you have extra crafting materials. This takes some of the edge off of the punishing RNG that's normally present in Arpgs: You can hand-pick some stats and reroll an item you know is going to be good\/have higher stats at will as long as you have extra materials. That's way more forgiving than i'm used this. They probably made it this way so building multiple characters wouldn't be as difficult.2) The art style. For the most part, I like the detail on the character models and casting animations. They were very well done, and far exceed my expectations. They are also very unique, making the game feel very fresh. Also characters have in-game earnable skins with a level of detail that you wouldn't see mixing and matching "transmogs" in other rpgs. Also, I know this may turn some people off, but there is no where near the amount of flying gore you see in other games of the same genre. It still has a dark feel you want to see in an aRPG, it's just not over the top.I will say, however, that Anya is a *slight* turn off to me because I don't like hyper-sexualized females in video games in general, but the worst part of her is the selection screen when you pick your first hero and you never see that screen again. For some reason she's bending over at you. After that she doesn't seem anything near the jiggly bit women you would see in an Asian MMO (the worst offenders by far in the category). Afterwards, when you can pick a character, she still seems a little over the top but not that bad. I have not played her yet, I picked something else. I almost returned the game at the selection screen, but I'm glad I didn't.Full review:\/2019\/05\/pagan-online-early-access-reviewfirst.htmlThat also includes the "cons". Very polished, no MTX, fun gameplay for a decent price.. I have put 35H into this game so far and it is pretty fun. If you like diablo you will love this clone like game with a slight twist on it. It is early access and has some bugs but i enjoy it for how far it is at the moment. The blueprints for legendaries seem useless and you sometimes hit a wall where getting gear to progress seems a bit difficult. i got stuck for 2H to beat a boss because i couldn't get blueprints i needed to level or gear but others said they had no problems. If your looking for a new dungeon crawler but not 100% on this game id say wait until co-op is released otherwise this is a solid purchase for a early access game which i tend not to do anymore since a lot of games never get finished.. my biggest issue with the game is the>>> to repetitive content. <<<it feels good playing the campaign, progressing to unlock new heroes. thats all fun and games untill you hit the end of the campaign and are forced to craft.dont get me wrong. crafting is a great thing in an ARPG and i always loved it, but let me tell you about crafting in pagan online:first of all you need to level your blacksmith to unlock bonus chances to roll bonus stats on your crafted gear.doesnt sound so bad right? wrong.crafting experience got nerfed by 90% (!!!!) with the last patch and wasnt even communicated. BIG MINUS MAD HEAD GAMES!to get specific materials you have the option to grind specific quests.meaning: if you want to build a strenght character you are forced to grind the hell out of the strength material quests, which are not many nor different and this gets boring soooo quickly.if you're done with your blacksmith leveling you start crafting actual gear and rerolling it and you guessed it - in order to do so, you need even more and rare materials which means more mindless grinding zones you already dream of because you ran it so often.nah, if you think d3 was a mindless grind, try pagan online.. Not what it looks. At first glance most people will think this is another hack-and-slash but it's not, it's something else.One of the major differences are that you control your character with WASD and mouse, which works great as soon as you get used to it and gives you a lot more freedom of movement. It also have several MMO and MOBA influences.The battles are a lot more tactical and also slower than the traditional hack-and-slash and requires more skill.You unlock more content the more you level up and it got lots of stuff to do and it constantly challenges you and it's not an easy game. The game is also very addictive and the missions are usually pretty quick so even if you only have 20 minutes to spare you have time for a mission or two.Pros:+ Great graphics and artstyle+ Fun and tactical combat that focus on skill+ Interesting Hero characters that play very differently+ Solid voice acted dialogue+ Huge selection of enemy types(over 80 so far)+ Great crafting that is very useful to progress if not required evenCons:- The Hero characters unlock in order since they are based on your "powerlevel"- No coop yet but it will be here soon (whatever that means)- Inventory and recipe space is way too smallSummary:All in all I really enjoy this game and can't stop playing it. I really look forward to play it together with my friends so the coop cannot arrive soon enough. I had high hopes off the bat it seemed really well polished and it is but that hides a shell of a gamethat is quickly loosing its luster and its players. Since co-op was put in I've only been able to play onematch via matchmaking one for about two weeks. I just think this game is going nowhere fast and with stuff like Last Epoch,Grim Dawn,Titan Quest new expansion, Torchlight Frontier and Path of Exile firing on all cylinders this game willbe forgotten you money. Let me start this by saying that I'm about 3 hours or so into the game, and I never do reviews. But there are so many little things about this game that i dislike in its current state. I know this game is early on in its life cycle and its bound to change drastically so take the following with a grain of salt. Playability:First off a scaleable UI and resizing\/recoloring of the mouse cursor would be greatly appreciated. The text can be hard to read at times this could be more due to my setup. As for the mouse cursor however I constantly lost tract of where it was during bigger battles.. Character facing is very important so knowing where your cursor is at all times is necessary. Level design:I don't have an issue with the level design, but the missions seem extremely short and as soon as you're getting into the groove you've reached the end of the mission. On completion you're sent back to base to queue another mission in the same map (if you're in the same act\/chapter). I feel like there should be an option to just jump right into the next mission. Again, this isn't exactly a negative thing, but the flow is choppy, this might change later on in the game.Gear:This doesn't feel like a tradition dungeon runner, and that because it isn't. You're not going to find as much useful gear from killing mobs as you'll find crafting material and blueprints which is fine. but whats the point in the continuous drops that are identical to what I'm currently using? I want the satisfaction of feeling my character develop more so then whats currently there. Potions are kind of in a weird place. You're always going to fill up on them when you go back to town, and they're available to be purchased for a minimal amount. Why not just make these free and auto refill when you return to town since you're doing this in between missions anywayCharacters\/Skills:Pick your starting character wisely as you'll be stuck with them for awhile. I wish you were able to test all 3 starting character before you were forced to use one. The skills are unlocked early on but lack customization, so I feel like the character you pick wont change drastically after unlocking all the skills. You can level up skills to do more damage, and about halfway through to max level and at max level you'll have a chance to modify them slightly Ex) +1m radius or -10 mana cost. Maybe gear later in the game modifies skills I don't know unfortunately. Microtransactions?There are currently NO microtransactions in this game, and I'm not sure if they're planning on adding them in the future, but its seems like the ground work is in place for them. There are characters, skins & resource packs that can all be earned by playing the game, but they may add a shortcut in the future.Postivies:8 charactereasy to pick up and playintuitive and unique controlsnot a tradition dungeon runnerart style and graphics are well donegame plays well and well optimizedAgain, take this with a grain of salt. This isn't a bad game its just not a great game yet. I will probably continue to play the game a bit, or maybe later on in the year. I may update this review as I continue to play the game.. This game has a long way to go. Does it have the potential to be a good game? Absolutely. But not worth your money in its current state. Co-op is a lagfest and you can't do campaign together, as well as due to the low population its sometimes impossible to play with anyone. The crafting\/materials system is ill conceived and character unlocks feel straight out of a mobile game. We have recently been told likely no actual updates for ~2 months. Hopefully they have a lot of $$ in the bank or this isn't even going to make it to release.


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